31: Spooky
31: Spooky

Hazel the witch and Alaband the crow were ready to show off their spooky pumpkins

30: Moss
30: Moss

Odhran the moss Druid move slowly through his forest, checking all the rock formation for signs of trouble

29: Float
29: Float

Piper loved nothing more than floating down the river on a sunny day.

28: Chomp
28: Chomp

Flyn just loved chomping on watermelon

27: Pond
27: Pond

Frankie was ready for his audition for the moonrise kingdom reboot but had the sinking feeling he was at the wrong pond.

26: Ladybug
26: Ladybug

”Poor little bug on the walll, ding, Jing, no one to love him at all, ding, jing”

25: Coral
25: Coral

Melody loved to tend to her coral garden, adding new colours and textures here and there every day, it was an explosion of colour, of life and she loved it.

24: Wand
24: Wand

Wendy the Wizard is waving her Wand, WOOSH!

23: Message
23: Message

“COO GOT MAIL!” Patty the pigeon takes their message delivery job very serious

22: Tunnel
22: Tunnel

The old abandoned train tunnel was Marti’s favourite place to go and think when they needed to be alone

21: Slingshot
21: Slingshot

Kai was determined to show them all, on this day they would fly fast through the air like no kiwi bird has ever before!

20: Bulb
20: Bulb

“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.” - William wordsmith

19: Candle
19: Candle

“There are two ways to spread light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it”

18: Snooze
18: Snooze

Danni found the perfect place for a snooze before continuing her ride, the shaded tree, the cool breeze the faint smell of flowers… perfection

17: Blush
17: Blush

Robin felt a fizzing in her tummy and a warmth spread to her cheeks when she thought about her new friend, she wasn’t quite sure what it meant yet, but she enjoyed the sensation

16: Sidekick
16: Sidekick

Qwerty knew she had to do whatever it took to defend Dvorak’s back, she took a deep breath and held fast

15: Weather
15: Weather

Patty the Pangolin really didn’t want to inconvenience anyone, but she knew deep down that this kind of weather was really not for her.

14: Garden
14: Garden

Molly was quite proud of how her garden was coming along.

13: Ship
13: Ship

Captain Wendy looked out at the ocean from the bow of their ship admiring its shimmering beauty on this glorious day.

12: Nest
12: Nest

“You're poison in the pretty glass, You're a wasp nest”

Wasp nest - The National

- A repaint of an ink painting I did in 2018 while listening to the song.

1 1: Pencil
1 1: Pencil

Cass wasn’t entirely sure why they needed this novelty size pencil, but gosh she was going to get it to them fast.

10: Citrus
10: Citrus

Chase didn’t understand why the others thought it was so weird that she ate lemons, each bite was such a zippy, Zappy, zesty feel, she couldn’t get enough

09: Blue
09: Blue

Betty Blue Bird, between her bushel of blueberries.

08: Dream
08: Dream

Jet had always dreamed of flying high above the ocean where she lived, she imagined her tentacles would look beautiful in the morning sky, lit up like a hot air balloon

07: Crater
07: Crater

Erika getting some epic Air from this moon’s Craters.

06: Eye
06: Eye

Midge the young fox spied the snail on the leaf and used their magnify glass to get a better look

05: Sprig
05: Sprig

Tully the mouse on her way home from gathering a Sprig of blueberries for her supper.

04: Grub
04: Grub

Warren the Witchetty grub could not face the day without his morning cup of coffee in his favourite mug.

03: Sweet
03: Sweet

Little Bun-bun loves her sweets.

02: Cosmos
02: Cosmos

A little Koala a bit lost in the cosmos.

01: Bee
01: Bee

Betty Bee Bumbling through the beautiful brambles.

31: Spooky
30: Moss
29: Float
28: Chomp
27: Pond
26: Ladybug
25: Coral
24: Wand
23: Message
22: Tunnel
21: Slingshot
20: Bulb
19: Candle
18: Snooze
17: Blush
16: Sidekick
15: Weather
14: Garden
13: Ship
12: Nest
1 1: Pencil
10: Citrus
09: Blue
08: Dream
07: Crater
06: Eye
05: Sprig
04: Grub
03: Sweet
02: Cosmos
01: Bee
31: Spooky

Hazel the witch and Alaband the crow were ready to show off their spooky pumpkins

30: Moss

Odhran the moss Druid move slowly through his forest, checking all the rock formation for signs of trouble

29: Float

Piper loved nothing more than floating down the river on a sunny day.

28: Chomp

Flyn just loved chomping on watermelon

27: Pond

Frankie was ready for his audition for the moonrise kingdom reboot but had the sinking feeling he was at the wrong pond.

26: Ladybug

”Poor little bug on the walll, ding, Jing, no one to love him at all, ding, jing”

25: Coral

Melody loved to tend to her coral garden, adding new colours and textures here and there every day, it was an explosion of colour, of life and she loved it.

24: Wand

Wendy the Wizard is waving her Wand, WOOSH!

23: Message

“COO GOT MAIL!” Patty the pigeon takes their message delivery job very serious

22: Tunnel

The old abandoned train tunnel was Marti’s favourite place to go and think when they needed to be alone

21: Slingshot

Kai was determined to show them all, on this day they would fly fast through the air like no kiwi bird has ever before!

20: Bulb

“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.” - William wordsmith

19: Candle

“There are two ways to spread light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it”

18: Snooze

Danni found the perfect place for a snooze before continuing her ride, the shaded tree, the cool breeze the faint smell of flowers… perfection

17: Blush

Robin felt a fizzing in her tummy and a warmth spread to her cheeks when she thought about her new friend, she wasn’t quite sure what it meant yet, but she enjoyed the sensation

16: Sidekick

Qwerty knew she had to do whatever it took to defend Dvorak’s back, she took a deep breath and held fast

15: Weather

Patty the Pangolin really didn’t want to inconvenience anyone, but she knew deep down that this kind of weather was really not for her.

14: Garden

Molly was quite proud of how her garden was coming along.

13: Ship

Captain Wendy looked out at the ocean from the bow of their ship admiring its shimmering beauty on this glorious day.

12: Nest

“You're poison in the pretty glass, You're a wasp nest”

Wasp nest - The National

- A repaint of an ink painting I did in 2018 while listening to the song.

1 1: Pencil

Cass wasn’t entirely sure why they needed this novelty size pencil, but gosh she was going to get it to them fast.

10: Citrus

Chase didn’t understand why the others thought it was so weird that she ate lemons, each bite was such a zippy, Zappy, zesty feel, she couldn’t get enough

09: Blue

Betty Blue Bird, between her bushel of blueberries.

08: Dream

Jet had always dreamed of flying high above the ocean where she lived, she imagined her tentacles would look beautiful in the morning sky, lit up like a hot air balloon

07: Crater

Erika getting some epic Air from this moon’s Craters.

06: Eye

Midge the young fox spied the snail on the leaf and used their magnify glass to get a better look

05: Sprig

Tully the mouse on her way home from gathering a Sprig of blueberries for her supper.

04: Grub

Warren the Witchetty grub could not face the day without his morning cup of coffee in his favourite mug.

03: Sweet

Little Bun-bun loves her sweets.

02: Cosmos

A little Koala a bit lost in the cosmos.

01: Bee

Betty Bee Bumbling through the beautiful brambles.

show thumbnails